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Tree pruning
Acorn Arborist Group works with each client to address the homeowner’s needs for their landscape. We assess each tree individually, as well as its collective role in the surrounding ecological community, and then present our recommendations for how to best balance and maintain the tree’s health and function.

Pruning techniques may include:
• Removing dead, diseased or weak branches.
• Pruning or removing branches that rub together.
• Trimming or removing limbs that interfere with wires, chimneys, roofs or obstruct street lights and sidewalks.
• Improving the shape of a tree or shrub.

Tree Removal
The decision to remove a tree affects not only your landscape’s aesthetic appearance but also your yard’s ecological balance. Acorn Arborist Group will help you consider both the short and long term issues surrounding your choice. Once the decision to remove a tree is made, AAG takes trees down and hauls them away in a safe and efficient process.

Reasons a tree may need to come down include:
• The tree’s lifecycle is complete, and the decaying process—which is frequently indiscernible to homeowners—is underway.
• The tree is hazardous to your property and safety.
• The tree is adversely affecting the overall health of your ecological landscape and should be replaced with a more suitable species or younger tree.

Hazardous Tree Assessment
Trees are majestic life forms; however, they may also create hazardous conditions that threaten your property and individual safety. Acorn Arborist Group provides ssessments, written evaluations and recommendations concerning potential hazardous tree conditions on your property.

Shrub Maintenance
Given the high cost of landscaping, particularly of purchasing and installing shrubs, proper care is not only important for your shrubbery’s health but also a wise financial investment. Acorn Arborist Group provides preventative shrubbery treatments from pruning and shaping to identifying and treating pest and disease concerns.

Emergency Work
Whether by wind, lightning, rain-saturated soil, or ice build-up, the felling of a tree or large limb calls for quick, safe and insured removal. In such situations, Acorn Arborist Group will arrive quickly, assess the situation and get to work immediately to respond to your emergency.

Free Consultations
Call Acorn Arborist Group for help with any and all questions concerning your trees. Initial site visits are free.

Proactive Arborist Planning and Preventative Treatment Plans
Considering a remodel or construction project on your land? Acorn Arborist Group specializes in helping clients plan for before- and after-construction arborist strategies. If you’re considering tree removal and/or planting, call on us for help. From evaluations of which trees may be adversely affected by a new construction footprint to helping you select the optimal species to plant on your property, AAG works in concert with you and your contractor to develop an appropriate plan.

Today, science has come a long way toward understanding how to maintain and protect the health of your tree cover. AAG works hand-in-hand with Mother Nature by using the latest organic nutrient treatments to develop healthy trees. We also specialize in pest- and disease-preventative plans that promote the health of your landscape.

Rope Swing Installation
Trees are not only stunning creatures, they can (and should) be enjoyed! Acorn Aborist Group has extensive experience in installing single-rope, wide-arc tree swings for the young and young-at heart.